
Thank you for trying our service during the 1-week free trial period. We hope you found it valuable and useful.

How to pay for your subscription :

There are several ways to make your payment.


Jazz cash

Bank Transfer

For your convenience, here are the details you'll need to make the payment:

Title Name: Tanveer Ahmed
Number: 0300-8229813

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us. We're here to help and make sure you have the best experience using Live Market. Sign up now and enjoy Live Market!


Q. How can I reactivate my subscription to Live Market?

A. To continue accessing the Live Market service, a monthly payment is required.

Q. How long does the reactivation process take?

A. Don't worry, it's easy to make the payment and the process is quick. Once your payment is received, your service will be activated and you'll be able to continue using Live Market with all its features and benefits.